O.K....I'm a grandma, well, a Nana! I had a hard time with grandma, grams, a few even tried granny and I would have none of that. The first time I changed Lucy, my son-in-law looked at me and said "You are such a Nana!" And it felt right. I always thought, how could I be a Nana? There is only one Nana to me and I could never stand up to her...but I will do my best! So its official...Eric and I are Nana and Pops...Oh, and my daughter is a mom, her husband a dad...and Jake and Sadie...An Uncle and Aunt...Yep...

Lucy Joy was born Tuesday, January 19th at 12:32 pm. She weighed 7lbs 5 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She came into this world pretty quietly to Leon Bridges singing Smooth Sailin, on a beautiful winter afternoon! The day Dani asked me if I would be in the delivery room with them was truly unexpected! Everyone knows that we are extremely close, but to watch my granddaughter take her first breath never, in a thousand years, crossed my mind. I tried to imagine the moment many times over and over again in my head. Bright lights, loudness, yelling, and then the cries of a beautiful baby girl...well, it was low lighting, (until the very end), peacefulness, music, (a little bit of The Today Show), and an hour and a half of Dani pushing with all her might. Joe and I coached Dani when to push and when to Stop... watching this amazing head of hair emerge, and then finally this perfect little girl appears and the nurse says "Well, let's get this little girl to cry!" Lucy begins to take a few breaths and cries her little lungs free of what she had been living in for 9 months.
Our baby just had a baby! Eric and I are grandparents? Wait no, we can't be grandparents... Well, let's just accept that we are. I walked, (ran) out to the waiting room where Auntie Sadie and Pops are sitting, pull out my phone, and flash them a picture of a 2 minute old baby!! She's here... Meet Lucy Joy! "But wait," I tell them, "You can't go in for an hour. They need their golden hour." Golden hour, shmolden hour, we want to see Lucy! Well things have changed a little in the past 15 years. Apparently mom and dad need to snuggle the baby BY THEMSELVES for one hour! That's so unfair to us GRANDPARENTS! Well, I've already made the decision that I will not be "that Grandma" I guess it will start with the GOLDEN HOUR! So we go to lunch.

2 weeks have gone by and I already have 5 selfies with her to put in my Nana/Lucy selfie folder on my phone. The folder where I am going to do 1 selfie a week for a year...yep there's already 5! I've been told by facebook friends that we are going to need an entire cloud of our own for all of our pictures and also that I haven't stopped smiling for 2 weeks. This is all true...the best part of it all, watching Eric be Pops! He holds this lucky little girl and snuggles her and talks to her when he thinks no one sees them. I thought I was in love with him before...this is an entire new kind of love seeing your husband fall in love with his granddaughter.

And here we are at 5 weeks! Hundreds of pictures and memories already filling our hearts. The newest memory that was made was Lucy's first trip to The Lake. When Eric and I bought this lake house, it was for not only us and our kids, but our grandchildren. Little did we know just 5 years later we would bring Lucy here. We pulled up and a feeling I hadn't expected shot right through my body. The feeling of dreams turning into reality. Lake Life at it's best...filled with happiness and true blessings. This grandparent thing is beyond anything I had expected. Everyone who has had this experience had told me "There's nothing like it". Guess What...There's nothing like it.
"Blessed are those who spoil and snuggle...hug and hope...pray and pamper...For They Shall Be Called Grandparents <3