Thursday, May 31, 2018

Train Yourself To See The Blessing In Everything

Train yourself to find the blessing in everything. (Because everything is a blessing good or bad.)

If you find the blessing in everything, you will understand why things don't always work out.  This past week has been one of twists and turns for a few loves in my life.  Without saying who or what, I just want you to think about the big picture.  When you are working so hard for something, and it doesn't work out, chances are there is a bigger, better thing out there waiting for the right person.  This person is you.  You may not see it at the time, or maybe you do, either way you need to keep a positive attitude about what is next in your life.  I truly believe that, (and I know this is such a hallmark quote), but EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.  I also truly believe that there is someone up above who has a plan.  Maybe what you thought was the best thing for you really wasn't. Maybe you thought that you knew where you wanted to be, but it just wasn't time yet, and maybe you thought that you were content being where you were, but really there is something better waiting...
When you try to plan things, and it doesn't work out that way, go a different direction.  Maybe do something that is so out of your comfort zone or so out of the realm of normalcy, that you think "I would have never thought this is what I would be doing, but had THAT not happened I would have never known"  Put yourself out there, make a change or a decision that takes to where you never thought you would be.  You never know where you may find yourself. 
Decisions are not decisions, job decisions, family decisions...Life Decisions...This may change your path a little bit or even a lot. Either way, just know that someone is guiding you and watching out for you.  If you feel like you are doing the right thing, and it doesn't happen...again a hallmark quote "It wasn't meant to be".   Leave it to whoever or whatever it is ultimately making (or not making) these things in your life happen.  Take a step back, look at what will be and why...Train yourself to find the blessing in everything.


'    My heart is broken. Broken for a friendship from 31 years ago. The memories of this friendship are ones that came flooding back whe...