"Don't live with your best friend in college" They Say...
"you'll end up enemies" They say...
Well, at 52 years old I just got back from Vegas with my college roommate (and best friend since birth...)
We hadn't traveled together, just the 2 of us, in many many years...I don't even know if we ever traveled alone together. Found out this, we travel well together and here's why:
~She trusts me even when I don't know what I am doing~
~I slow down and do not move at my million miles per hour pace~
I find that she is so in control of her surroundings when I am dropping things left and right because I move to fast.
~We can sit and watch the most ridiculous thing for an hour and not say a word~
We watched a napkin that someone dropped as employees walked over it a million times
~She can tell me I have a huge appetite and I can tell her she walks too slow~
~We can look at each other at 8:15 p.m. and know we are both exhausted~
then have no problem saying so and going to bed to watch our own shows
~She can look for somewhere for me to get my glass of wine~
And she doesn't drink~I can search out her favorite slot machine~
And I don't gamble
~We can share every meal we get~
We have the same palate, I just have the bigger appetite apparently :)
~We can walk out of somewhere and the same thing will grab our attention~
~She can be the outgoing one and I can be the quiet one~
That's just how we have always been
~We can go to the pool everyday, and never say it's enough~
Then hunt down an aloe plant at Home Depot
~She will come with me to do something I really wanted to do~
~I can suggest a cool place to take a picture~
~She can get hugs from store owners at the airport and I can sit on a chair across the terminal and laugh~
Again, she's the outgoing one
~We can laugh at nothing~
That's the best feeling in the world
~We can talk about our past, present, and futures~
And know exactly where we were, are, and will be
~We have a hard time making decisions~
Because neither of us really care
"I don't care, what do you feel like doing?"
"I'm good with whatever!"
"I'm good with whatever!"
And lastly, we got into one little disagreement...
We were the last ones on the plane, and when I say last ones, I mean the plane was waiting for us to get on to close the door because we were flying standby...
We had no idea if we would be able to get on the flight, and if we didn't I had no earthly idea how we were going to get home (because this is how a pilots wife rolls)
When we landed she said
"You know my dad got us on that flight!" and I said "No, it was my mom"
We decided it was a group effort ❤👼
And that my friends is how to travel with your best friend
It was all