Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone also comes with overcoming fears from accidents, pushing through high heart rates without stopping , and knowing you can do things beyond your limits. This coming from me really is surprising even to myself. I have suffered from a concussion that took me 3 months to feel even remotely "normal", a wrist injury, and just pure stress of being scared while trying new things. My balance is ridiculously off which does not make for fun hiking on rocks or biking on rocky, narrow, single track trails...but I do it...why you might ask? Because my husband makes me. He enjoys all of these things and I started doing it for him. ( Now I do it for US) Every time I injured myself, he rushed me to the hospital, and always ended the day with "next time". I got to the point where I never doubted there would be a next time. My family laughs at me, worries about me, and we always come back with some story!
In these days of quarantine, now is the time to get out and conquer some fears. No better time than now when there are not a lot of other things to do. Don't find yourself sitting inside thinking about what you could be doing, think about what there is to do that takes you out of your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be a physical challenge either. Just try something new.
The feeling of reaching a goal is exhilarating
The feeling of reaching a goal is addicting
The feeling of reaching a goal makes you want to revisit and push the goal out further
Not to quote NIKE...but I will...
P.S. Next week we are going skiing in Colorado! I haven't skied in 30 years! Guess who's idea this was! Hopefully we wont end the day with "Next Time!"
Stay Tuned