Monday, October 18, 2021

Time Is A Thief

Preface: I logged into my blog today to write a blog called "Project Life".  I came across this entry that I never published. {dated June 9th, 2021} This entry gave me so much insight to my new idea of Project Life.  I decided to finish it, and publish it.  Knowing and remembering that I was going through a rough and emotional time in life, it just proved to me that life will change for the better. (Keep in mind that I had just lost my dog, put my house of 20 years up for sale and was supporting my sister through the loss of her husband to cancer) 
*Just give yourself space to achieve joyfulness again.

I was texting with a mom that I used to nanny for today when she replied to me with "Time Is A Thief"
Time IS a takes things and people and pets and homes...and so much more that we really don't realize.  You can look at time as being anywhere from a second to a lifetime.  You don't realize that time is taking things that you will not get back, The more I thought about it,  time is also brings things to you as well.  You put in time to earn the things that you deserve. (ie. my hard working husband).  As much as it can work both ways, I see more of time being a thief right now.  I saw time with Lucy being taken from me this past weekend.  Lucy and I spend a lot of time together when I am in Minnesota.  I barely saw her the entire weekend because she was with her friends. This is her time of growth.
  Time can also hurt...Loved ones taken too soon...sick pets...unexpected changes...
But time will also heal.
I've been struggling a little bit recently because of life's changes. Some sudden and some that we have been leading up to.  You can prepare for change to only a certain extent.  Either way you look at it there is going to be a way to get through all of it.  You need to make a conscious effort to decide to move forward being motivated through positivity ...Looking back at this entry 4 months later, I see that strength comes from within, but also from others surrounding you...let the surrounding strength get you through "Time Being A Thief"
"Project Life" Coming Soon 


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