Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Day of Days~”D” Day


  Veterans Day 2022 has a very different meaning for me this year.  I always celebrate my husband, my son, their friends and all of the service men and women that serve our country.  The things that are given up, put on hold and the time taken away is something that is not easy.  Veterans and their families learn to roll with the punches and live life day to day not knowing what the next day might bring. And for this they are all celebrated and thanked.

In honor of Veterans Day I’d like to share what I wrote following a nine hour tour of Normandy while we were in France last month.                                                                           

     I never understood the real term of heroism until I stood on Omaha Beach in Normandy.  
You learn about “D” day in high school, you read about it in books, but until you are standing in the trenches, behind the hedge rows, and standing in the waters that these young men jumped into, you won’t understand the fright and the unknown thoughts that must have been going through their heads.   I learned more yesterday in 9 hours than I could have learned in a year long world history class.  Our tour guide had personally interviewed, sat, and listened to soldiers, first hand what had happened to them at the young age of 19 years old. 
     You haven’t even experienced 1/4 of your life yet, you maybe haven’t even fallen in love, had your first drink or cigarette, (although by now you have), and you still want your mom when you are cold, frightened, or even just tired.  All of a sudden you have gun strapped on to you as you are awaiting for the green light… the green light to parachute in or to run out of the landing craft that you have been sitting or laying on for hours off the shore of the beach.  You know in the back of your mind that there is a good chance that you will not see the end of the day.  But you think about the reason you are here.  To save innocent lives in villages of families…kids, moms, dads, grandparents.  These families that have had their lives turned upside down for reasons they can’t even begin to understand.  All they knew was that their towns were being taken over, and they needed help, from our kids.  Kids saving kids.  The strength of our servicemen during this time period was tremendous.  Unlike anything you can imagine until you see what they had to endure and actually walk where they walked.  It is surreal and as much as I’d like to describe it as disheartening, it actually raises the spirit to see what these boys were willing to do.  Some there by choice, some not.  They were all in it together, it was a brotherhood that would never be broken.



Friday, May 20, 2022

40 years=480 months~2080 weeks~14,600 days~350,400~21,024,000 minutes of Love ❤️

I haven’t written for a long time, in fact I haven’t had the mindset to write for a long time.  It takes something inspiring to get my head around a post.  This morning I woke up thinking about my brother Jon and Cara, my sister-“in law” (And I put the in law part in quotes because Cara has been in my life since I was 12 and she’s really just a true sister). Today they celebrate 40 years of marriage.  A marriage that 40 years ago defied all odds.  They were young, they were not the same religion, and they had they most precious thing that life can offer,,,a baby.  I was 14 when they got married and I looked up to them not really knowing exactly what I was looking up to, I just knew that there was something special there.  In time I realized that what I was seeing was a deep love, commitment, strength, and optimism.  These 4 qualities are not found in every marriage, let alone a young marriage.  As the years went on they had a set of beautiful twins, dogs, bought themselves a house, then another and another…built this amazing life that originally, if you recall… defied the odds.
   Looking back at the last 40 years I have come to realize what an amazing support system they are to their kids, their families, and everyone surrounding them.  They are always looking out for and offering anything they can, together.  Always with a positive spin and a smile.  Through life’s losses and gains, they make life look easy and happy.  This relationship is one that Eric and I aspired to be when our own relationship was so new.  Honest, loving, and strong.  Together with our kids and my sister and her kids we have built this close knit family of cousins, aunts, and uncles, that started with the two of them.  We are not your typical family, and we know it. 
  Thanks to the 2 who are today celebrating 40 years. 🥂
So, thank you both for showing the world what true love looks like…Happy 40 years Jon and Cara!
We love you with all of our hearts ♥️ 


'    My heart is broken. Broken for a friendship from 31 years ago. The memories of this friendship are ones that came flooding back whe...