"Keep The Letters Coming"
It is 2015 and we are buying stamps and all writing letters
Rewind 40 years...you wanted to talk to someone and you would sit against the wall and wait either for the phone to ring or wait for your mom to hang up the telephone so you could use it...
Fast Forward 10 years and your parents finally got you your own line... (still attached to the wall)...
5 more years and you didn't have to get off the phone in case "that call" came in because you had call waiting!
Another couple years and you didn't have to sit home because they could leave a message, and then came the days of caller I.D. so you knew if you should answer it or not!

But, before all of that we had letters... when you would run out to the mailbox to see if you got a letter from your sister at camp, from your brother at college, or a postcard from your mom and dad who are on vacation.
These were the things worth waiting for...
once again, the little simple things in life.
Fast Forward 25 years...
Cell Phones
Instagram...I could go on and on.
We have all gotten so used to instant gratification when missing someone that the feeling of waiting for that call or letter is no longer known. Don't get me wrong, it is much easier now, and I would take it in a heartbeat over the days when my husband was in Saudi Arabia for 3 months. That was before cell phones were "the norm". He would sit in line at the base and wait his turn to call, and hopefully I was by the phone at home so he could talk to the kids and I...It was anything but personal being that it was most likely being recorded and timed. But just hearing his voice made it all worth the wait...and the letters...Yes, I still have them all!!

In the past 3 weeks I have not had the instant gratification of knowing my son is O.K. at basic training. I know deep down that he is fine and I am most likely missing his cell phone more than he is. I can't text him, email him, call him, see if he's online...nothing! I run to the mailbox everyday. I keep my phone by my side every minute NOT on silent! The hardest part of the last 3 weeks came on Saturday night...I ran upstairs and Eric didn't recognize the number on my phone because Jake was calling from a pay phone...A what? Yes, they do still exist and I missed a call from one! Not from his cell phone that would have shown "JAKE" on my screen, but a pay phone! I listened to the message, stared at the phone, and cried. He said "Sorry I missed you guys, Can't wait to see you, Hope everything is good, Keep the letters coming! I Love You!"
"Keep The Letters Coming" My 22 year old asked us to keep the letters coming. Something so simple obviously means so much...We will keep the letters coming buddy!