Thursday, March 5, 2020

Let Them Be Little...Be Their Own Personal Superhero... Don't let them see your frustrations...Take a step back and know they are counting on your strength...

16+ Trendy Baby Love Quotes Mothers Sons Kids

We go from this...

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To this...

To This

Without even thinking about it 

Let Them Be Little...Be Their Own Personal Superhero...
Don't let them see your frustrations...Take a step back and know they are counting on your strength...

66 Trendy birthday quotes for kids grandchildren my son
My shoes for the past 4 years have been filled with mom as well as “Nana.”  Nana Love gets deeper every day and I am finding out that this is not that different from mama love.  

Watching our kids birthdays come and go faster every year, is something that I did not count on.  You buy amazing beautiful newborn clothes, strollers and cribs. Of which quickly transform into sporting goods, bikes (then cars), and big kid beds.  You don't even see it coming and then just like that you are celebrating graduations, weddings, and grandchildren.  Every year that my kids grew up another year I would secretly shed a tear.  I would happily decorate the breakfast table and let them know how special it was that they were another year older...then I would secretly shed a tear.  They so quickly were not waking up at the crack of dawn to snuggle and sing to Sharon, Lois and Bram  (The Elephant Show) or Raffi.

I am now finding myself feeling that same emotion as I talk to Lucy.  She and I can have the best conversations, and then I look at my google hub and an old picture will pop up.  I watch Ellie walk and laugh and again I think, how is this happening all over?  I know without a doubt they will grow up just as fast.

For Eric and I raising our kids together was the most gratifying thing that we ever could have imagined.  But now as we witness from afar, the successes that they are achieving, the satisfaction and pride as their mom and dad is almost overwhelming.  They are raising kids, graduating from college, starting college, figuring out just what and where it is they want to be.

I can only reiterate so much to slow down.  No matter where you are in life, slow down and enjoy the commotion, the exhaustion, the laughs, the love, the family...It will all be worth catching your breath for.

Quotes  Don't rush and expect them to grow up too fast. Let them enjoy being a carefAnd always be their own personal superheros

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