Saturday, June 27, 2020

10,000 feet...A little closer to heaven
Over the past few days I have been at 10,000 feet twice. Once by climbing and once by flying. It was crazy to me that at 10,000 feet on an airplane you need to have oxygen if the plane depressurizes, but when Eric and I were climbing that was the last thing that crossed my mind. (until of course Eric pointed it out to me...”this is when the oxygen is a must."

Yes, the breathing was a little harder but the peacefulness was undeniable. As I am writing this, I am currently at 30,000 feet looking out my airplane window. The view is one that I love. The peaks and valleys, the white clouds and blue sky, the green land, and the curves at the rivers. It is all connected in a sort of unrealistic way. To think of all the things that are going on 30,000 feet below me makes me wonder if those that have passed away before us are watching in somewhat the same way. And if they are, is it a helpless feeling?

 I am not sure that I’ve ever admitted this to anyone, but in my heart and in my soul, every time I fly I feel a little closer to my mom, and to heaven in general. I have this hopeful feeling that those I am thinking about are feeling a little ounce of love, and I wonder... maybe they’re just a little more in reach. Not once have I ever flown without looking out the window and feeling closer to her, and others that have passed before me.  When my mom died, I had been flying from Charleston to Milwaukee every week for the last eight weeks of her life. Every time I flew I would stare out the window and ask God for it all to go away and let her be all right. Then after she was gone and I flew, I started talking to her.  (Don’t worry, not out loud!) I know this all sounds a little nuts, but then again that’s just me. A little crazy a little over emotional. But who’s to say this isn’t a thing? I am up here right now coming home a day earlier than planned to to go to my neighbors funeral. May Her Memory Be A blessing  

I can’t say that I’m not looking out thinking about her today. A beautiful soul gone too early. It doesn’t matter that I only had known her from a far, she is the one I’m thinking about today. And my mom, because that’s a given. ❤

There are times that I am flying in tears just start rolling. Once about a year ago, the flight attendant caught this and came back to me with a Kleenex. I felt a little funny about that, but it didn’t matter that she didn’t know why I was crying, she just knew I was. Thankfully she didn’t ask if I was OK, or what was wrong. Because if she did, what would I say?  “I am just talking to my mom out there in the clouds, and I miss her."...I can’t say that anyone will get this feeling that I’m talking about, but I must say, it is a feeling of closeness that I never thought could be a thing.  It is a feeling so strong in my heart that I feel it in my stomach when I get up in the air. You can take all of this with a grain of salt, you can take it as a hopeful part of my soul, you can take it anyway you want. All I know is that 10,000 feet is a little closer to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I feel much the same. My mom has been gone for over 45 years. Miss her most days.



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