I feel like our project started the day we found out we were having a baby. That absolutely was not in the immediate plan, we were planning to get married after Eric finished pilot training. So, instead of moving forward and being separated for a year, we took a turn, got married, had Dani and off to Mississippi we went.
But let me add this, we were 23 year old recent college graduates, and had a year to wait to go to pilot training. My dad suggested we get into rental real estate while we waited. “Buy a house Dad? Really…?” We again didn’t say no, so we bought a rental property, followed by more. This part of our life added an entire new level to our project. Since then rental real estate has become just part of life.
Next comes the family level. How many kids do you want? Just when you think you’ve made your decision…another turn, another baby. Change in project life is the best. Now add a pet, {dogs in our case}.
This just keeps getting better…
Until it doesn't, unfortunately in every life you are going to have to experience fight and/or loss. This project life might take a wrong turn (but in time will go back in the right direction). If someone you love gets sick all you can do is watch and support. You know you will do whatever it takes to get them through to wherever their project goes or ends. Unfortunately every project comes to an end. When someone you love is taken from you, you need to learn to live without them. It feels so helpless, but you can do it. It’s just another level.
Another tier to this project life is growing kids. You take them to a certain point in life until they are ready to fly. You never truly stop taking care of them but at a certain point you take a step back and are just there. {Always}. They know that you are not going anywhere. (Physically you may have gone a little further than normal, like Vegas maybe…😉 but emotionally you are always there and only a flight away) This is when they get to start their project…it’s cyclical. They might graduate, get jobs, marry, have kids, and their choices in life start to build.
This is where we are. Watching our kids build their project as we add onto our own. We are now in the mode of adding travel, rekindling old friendships and making new friendships, retirement planning and enjoying every minute with all of our kids. Project life is a constant. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, just keep building on it.
Promise yourself this…
Always Live life to the fullest.
Always Love Hard
Always possess positivity
Yes, I am an optimist…and I get it from my husband ❤️ Welcome to Project Life
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