I had 4 inspiring days last weekend full of respect, precision, appreciation and pride. As parents, we teach many important qualities to our kids in hopes that they will display these qualities into adulthood. Unfortunately this will not always happen. In my opinion, from what I saw last weekend, every 18 year old, before going off to college or into the world, should have to leave the comforts of family to commit to 8 weeks of living "without". This 18 year old will learn how to listen to and respect others, about teamwork, as well as knowing how to push oneself to complete physical challenges. This will all be taught by an instructor not a parent...then if...and only if they get through it, are they allowed to move on and attempt to change the world. (Only if their bed is made because that is the first accomplishment of every day) If you don't get through it, you do it again and again until you get it...and trust me you will.
Please..Thank You...Excuse Me...Yes sir...No Ma'am
This is what I saw when we went to Jakes graduation from Basic Training. The instructors taught them really the same things that they learned when they were little kids, just in a harder environment. They push and they push and they teach these boys and girls to be men and women.
Doing Without = Gratitude
No Phones
No Music
No Television
No Tablets
No snacking
No caffeine
No Alone Time
Being Pushed=Physically Fit
Here are a few conversations between Jake and I.
Jake wanted a gourmet cookie...I got Jake a cookie...
Me: "Let's go...why are you just sitting there?"
After getting him a Starbucks:
Jake "Mom, will you carry my coffee, I can't walk holding a coffee!"
Jake "I have to find a restroom."
Me: "They are down the escalator"
Jake: "I need you to walk with me, I can't be alone"
And the best one...
A girl walks by and say's "Welcome to the Air Force Airman"
Me: "She's Cute!"
Jake: "Yes, she is...should I ask her to text her number to my mom's phone!"
(remember, he has no phone!)
Congratulations Airmen and Welcome to the United States Air Force!
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