Friday, May 8, 2015

No Words...

There are no words for devastation. There is before devastation and after devastation... That's why this entry is best said in pictures.  The after pictures are from the internet, but the before pictures are through the eyes of an incredible daughter.  My daughter and son in law were lucky enough to travel the world last year and spent some eye opening days in Nepal.  Eric had been there before and he was so excited for them to see how people with nothing can live a full and happy life.  They saw some things that really made them realize how a third world country lives.

From Dani's Blog : It is amazing how happy all of the people in Nepal are with their life, even when they have nothing...they live off the land, drink water from the ground and bathe in the rivers. They are incredible people and it really made me take a step back and realize the little things! 

7802 lives lost in an instant...13 traditional days of mourning ends... military from around the world come together to help in rescue efforts... 
Happiness Before VS Sorrow After

A little boy learning to build a kite
A little boy learning "Loss"

Joe Loving the dogs
Rescuer saving a dog

Washing clothes with no water
Washing Clothes with a little water

Thanking G-d for happiness
Asking G-d for happiness
Keeping a baby safe

Saving a baby

Bus for safe travel
Bus for rescue to safety

Playing in fresh air
Finding fresh air

Walking down the street
Walking down the street

The people of Nepal have their faith, prayers, and their robust love for life with so little.  They will move on, rebuild, start over and always mourn the loss of 7802 loved ones...NO WORDS...

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