Welcome to my blog...it’s still me, Simple mom and her dog, just a little different. You will still find all of my older posts and find new ones as well. I have linked my blog to a new Facebook page that i have created as well. It’s a page of things to make you smile, laugh, and be positive. I will post small things daily, and videos to laugh at and pictures to smile about. I have been realizing in the past few months just how important it is to be happy, have a smile on your face, for yourself, and not for others. You may not be feeling great every day, a cold, the flu, sore muscles, bad back. If you're lucky enough to open your eyes in the morning, but the first thing you think is that you don’t want to get out of bed...just smile. Force it if you have too, and think of all the others that will will affect in a positive way once you do actually get out of bed. This may not get you through the entire day but it will be a good start. My husband Eric has been a huge part of this. There are days when I am just not feeling great, and he looks at me and says something that will make me laugh...then he says “Have I ever told you that you are a lot more attractive when you smile.”
Another reason for all of this heart and soul stuff is because I am finding that your heart can emotionally as well as physically affect the soul. I have always been a very happy person who smiles and laughs...a lot...(Laughing is very good for you too!). Recently I had a very non threatening diagnosis that is affecting my heart. It is called pericarditis. If you look it up it will just say that I have fluid around my heart. This will not kill me, this will not affect my health in any way, other than it hurts. And it may not go away. Even though it hurts, it is not going to stop me from being happy. I look at this condition as showing me that no matter what, even when things hurt (emotionally speaking) you can get through it...with a smile and a little optimism. This is where I am hoping that Heart and Soul will come in. If I post something every morning, and throughout the day if I find something funny, and it makes just one of you smile or laugh, I have made a difference. Follow me if you’d like or don’t if you don’t think it matters...but once again, if I can make one person a day smile, that’s all that matters...
Because it is all about your heart physically and emotionally that will affect your soul ❤️
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