- a woman who is the head of a family or tribe.
- an older woman who is powerful within a family or organization.
"a domineering matriarch"
Happy Birthday
December 31st, 1909 a baby girl was born, she was named Beatrice Rebecca Marcus
This baby girl would grow up to be one of the 2 matriarchs of my family. She and my Grandma Esther were 2 of the strongest most loving people I know. I grew up with traditions, stability, and the comfort of knowing that I always had support in anything I did...good or bad.
Last week someone told me that I am now the matriarch of my family. Now this is a tough role to follow. Not only because I have big shoes to fill, but because I am 50 years old...aren't matriarchs like...old? In my mind I now need to learn to cook, bake, knit, and make our home a warm and welcoming place that our kids and grandkids will always want to come.
This can't be too hard, right? All I need to do is keep traditions strong, love flowing, and afghans knitted...I can do 2 of the 3! So you are probably thinking whats with the knitting? As long as I can remember my Nana was knitting scarves, hats and best of all afghans. I can literally walk into any room in our house and find a "Nana" afghan. Keep in mind that my Nana passed away almost 8 years ago and these are still all over our home...

Every time a baby was born a blanket was knitted, every time we moved I was asked the question "What colors are your new house?", every time the kids changed their bedroom colors a new afghan was made. This was the comfort and stability that sustained us for years. I have even kept all of the baby afghans for my grandchildren.

So I guess with that I am going to have to come up with some special way to be that "Nana", that "Matriarch". What will my family think of when they think of me? I don't know that I am quite ready to take on the martriarch role yet, but I will however come up with something that will make my kids and grandkids know how much I love them and what they mean to me.
2018 will hopefully be my year to figure this out...
I will let you know when I do, but until then I wish you all a very happy & healthy
New Year filled with so much love!
AKA~Nana still figuring out the matriarch thing
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