"Hi, How are you?"
When else in your life can you:
Talk to your brothers, sisters, parent's, kids and friends every.single.day
Stay in your pj's (or workout clothes) all day
Drink coffee until its time to open the wine
Not really spend money (except on coffee and wine)
have time to exercise every day
get caught up on absolutely everything
walk your dog until he/she can't take another step

It's all good. It's all fun right?
NO...It Is
(as Ruth from Ozark and Carole Baskin from Tiger King would put it)
This is where I'm at:
I can walk in circles around the small park by my house but I can't take a 5 mile long hike in Red Rock Canyon
I can go to Target or Costco or Home Depot, wait in line to get in but I can't go to a small business who can also monitor the number of people who go inside
I can see kids playing on a play structure at one park and have the play structure at the next park roped off

I can go to a state park to go on a hike (except for the one that I came to on the left) but once I hit the national park 5 miles in... I get a stop sign

Our development builder, who also controls our HOA, can still show new homes to clients by driving them through our complex on a golf cart, but the residents can't sit at the firepit, the pool or BBQ area where there is more room to sit 6 ft apart then on a golf cart.
I could keep going, but whats the point...

I have spent this time listening to my husband (who by the way is still out flying, with closed restaurants at airports and hotels, no coffee, empty flights and empty airports. Airplanes are flying the Drs., nurses, and supplies to where they need to be, so I am proud that he is still out there) but back to my original thought...I have spent this time listening to him pick everything about this apart. He talks about the percentages, the numbers (because he is most definitely a numbers guy), the curve and especially the market. Everything about this does not add up. From which states are mandating what laws, to the actual number of cases vs deaths adding up to the projections. He makes me see this and understand this every day, and trust me when I say, he is one of the smartest people I know.
Here's is what would make our country survive: (sanely)
Lets protect the all 80+ years olds, the older adults with underlying health issues, the younger adults going through chemo, or with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart issues. Lets make sure that these individuals are staying safe, away from the ones who can really keep the country open, economically as well as socially. Our kids can be in school, and on play grounds, and at camps, and in sports, as long as like I said, the individuals who are at higher risk are staying safe...
If nothing else, this is what I have gotten out of the last 6 weeks...
Life goes on...Sad things and happy things...
Women are having babies, people are passing away, kids are graduating and people are getting sick. (with diagnosis's other than Covid-19)
We still have birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations and accomplishments
Below you will find the different things (good and sad) that I personally have seen and done, And I am just one person. Think about the entire country...the entire world...

We have happy hours with our kids, and their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents
and I light the shabbat candles with Lucy on FaceTime,
and I read bedtime stories,
I attended a funeral that I would have flown to Chicago for. Never in my life did I think I would attend a funeral via zoom. My brother in laws mom passed away. Someone who deserved so much more for a life celebration...but that time will come, and we will all hug and cry and laugh...and remember

I also virtually attended the United States Air Force Academy graduation this morning. My best friends daughter graduated. Her parents, brother, loved ones, everyone that planned to go to Colorado next month, watched via live streaming. Talk about spending 4 of the hardest years of your life and not even getting to hug your family or even the cadet sitting next to you... Just throw up your caps and well, just celebrate socially distanced... Still though, a pretty amazing accomplishment celebrated the best way possible

My brother in law is battling cancer, he and my sister are navigating this pretty much on their own. They received this news day 1 of the quarantine being issued. They cannot rely on family or friends to be there for comfort or support. Although many friends and family are supporting them from afar through caring bridge, meal trains, etc...it is just not the same. Again, I (and many others) would be there (physically) in a heartbeat to help. Dr.s appointments have been held via FaceTime to not only my niece, nephew, Dave's brother and myself...but even my sister. She has to be in the car when he goes to his appointments.
Once again...extremely difficult times in someones life during these unprecedented times is heartbreaking.
Granddaughters (my niece) and great grandchildren driving an hour to bring a birthday cake to their Papa (my dad) and not being able to come in the door

Pre-School teachers driving 170 miles in 6 hours see every one of their students.

online college classes.... Sadi is in Vegas with us until tomorrow. She will finish her freshman year up in Plymouth.
AND ME... literally losing my mind...to just keep smiling
(I will admit FB, Instgram & Pinterest help with the laughter!)
one more thought I'd like to share...I am extremely proud of how our kids are handling this. Just as I am sure you all feel the same about your own. My kids are each in completely different stages of life, and this is a stage that they will never forget...
Raising babies while working from home
Working full time/finishing and graduating from college,,,all from home
Finishing up freshman year of college after just getting settled
They are each doing an amazing job adapting and I am so thankful for that.
Stay Happy, Stay healthy, Stay Safe
please know that I understand everyone will always have their own opinions...this is just mine