Hikes and Hearts is a way for me to share with you the most beautiful parts of the country through pictures and hearts. I have always loved taking pictures and sharing them. I am far from a professional photographer or even amateur at that. But I do my best and I get these memories to keep.
Eric and I recently (in the past 4 empty nesting years) have taken to hiking, camping, and mountain biking. Taking pictures and making notes along the way has given me the chance to share what we have found and the scenery that we have fallen in love with. My memory tends to fail me more often than not, so I rely on Eric to guide me through places that we have previously visited. I have decided that documenting might not only help myself, but anyone who also has interest in seeing parts of the country through my lens, and for some, experience all of the sights personally. I plan to write about where the hikes are and the best way to get the most out of them.
That is where the hikes come from…now for the hearts. I have always loved hearts and always connected them with my mom. She passed away when I was 32 years old.
The day she passed I bought this frame (pictured here) and I immediately put her picture in it. This has been beside my bed for almost 24 years. I also started collecting hearts in different ways, but recently they have been popping up when I least expect it…they pop up in landscape, stones, rocks, clouds…And you can think I am crazy, but a lot of times it is when I am talking to her. I feel very connected to her when I am hiking and biking.
My husband and my friends have come to looking for heart rocks and stones when we are hiking together, they know how much it means to me. Many times, I will bring the stone home unless it is just not possible, in which case a photo will have to do. When we are traveling I tend to keep the rocks in our room until it is time to leave. Thats is when I have to decide…take it or photograph it…
Usually the photo wins…
With that, welcome to Hikes and Hearts where I can share my love of
Please follow me on my new instagram page Hikes.and.Hearts. I will post pictures and stories about the places we go…Enjoy ❤️
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